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Triathlon BA

Triathlon BA

Regular price $130.00 USD
Regular price $111.00 USD Sale price $130.00 USD
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 Triathlon BA Biological Fungicide, the next generation preventative biofungicide labeled for both organic and non-organic production.

Triathlon BA Biological Fungicide is a broad-spectrum preventative biofungicide for control of a wide variety of fungal and bacterial diseases on ornamentals, fruits, vegetables, herbs and spices grown in greenhouses, nurseries, and shadehouses

With the active ingredient Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, Triathlon BA provides control of many foliar and soil-borne diseases such as botrytis, powdery mildew, downy mildew, rusts, leaf spots, alternaria, pythium, phytophthora, rhizoctonia, fusarium, and bacterial spot (xanthomonas).

“It is unique in that is a biological that not only controls foliar diseases but also offers control of soil-borne diseases such as pythium, phytophthora, and rhizoctonia.”

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