The Importance of Root Health

The Importance of Root Health

Just as a weak foundation can’t support a building, weak roots can’t support your plant.

The development of healthy branches, stems, nodes, leaves, and flowers are all dependent upon a thriving root system. Unfortunately, since you can’t usually see the root system, it is often too late before root damage is noticed. Sometimes the damage can even go unnoticed until it's too late.

By taking a few simple steps, you can give your crop’s roots all the nutrition and advantages they need to support the production flowers.

First, the basics of roots.

Why Roots Matter

Your plant's roots perform many vital functions.

They help anchor the plant into the ground or medium in which they are cultivated. Without this function, the plants would require support structures to keep them from falling over, especially during flowering when the branches hold more weight as the flowers develop.

Roots also serve as the conduit between the water and food that your plants need and the branches, leaves, and flowers that need them.

A plant's roots absorb and distribute water and nutrients to the plant through networks within the plant’s vascular system. They store the food created by the leaves during photosynthesis and release it as needed during critical periods of development.

If you haven't gotten the point by now: Roots are important, and so is root health.

There are many plant deficiencies your plants can bounce back from, but unhealthy roots can be the literal death of your plants. Keeping them healthy is vital to good yields.

Maintaining Root Health

If you want a successful harvest with big yields, then you need big, healthy roots. One of the easiest ways to maintain proper root health is to provide proper levels of water.

Just as we cannot breathe while fully submerged in water, your roots can’t “breathe” either. Overwatering your plants will often lead to collapsing or other issues.

This is why your medium is so important. Some hold more moisture for longer while others release it more quickly to allow more feedings. Keeping your plants at an appropriate temperature will also help develop strong roots and by extension, healthy flowers.

Some roots grow best in warmer temperatures, while others do just fine in cooler temperatures. No matter what you're growing you want to make sure your temperature in your medium is at a comfortable level for your roots.

Know When to Re-Pot

There's nothing better than seeing your plants thriving. You're doing everything right and your roots are strong and healthy, but eventually the plant's roots might outgrow their space.

When this happens your plants can become rootbound, which will be problematic if you don't fix it. Luckily it's as easy as upgrading your pot size! When you notice your roots beginning to press against the sides of your pot, figure out what size up would be best and transplant.

We recommend using fabric pots for their extra breathability and durability. The fibrous material that fabric pots are composed of allow more oxygen to penetrate your medium which in turn oxygenates your roots even more.

Plus fabric pots are a lot less likely to crack and break apart like traditional plastic pots, making them reusable too!

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