From the bogs of Canada and other places, peat moss grows and is collected to be mixed in with other mediums and ingredients to form what becomes the soil in your garden. So what is peat moss?
Peat moss origins
Most commonly sourced from sphagnum moss, peat is the result of this moss dying and decaying on top of itself over millions of years. This decomposition turns what was once thriving moss communities into bogs of decayed moss, full of organic nutrients and material, similar to compost.
The moss then gets scooped out and converted into a usable soil amendment. Most peat moss that is used in the US is sourced from Canada, and due to its lengthy decaying process, it is not considered a renewable resource.

Peat moss applications
Peat is known for being more acidic than other mediums, making it a great addition to soil that houses acid loving plants. Due to its nature, peat is also extremely long lasting, and one application can last years.
It is also highly absorbent, being able ti hold several times its weight in water. Peat also holds onto nutrients well, so watering doesn’t rinse them out as easily. While a major component in soilless mixes, peat moss is nowhere near as efficient as a standalone medium.
Some people may not like to use to peat since it is non-renewable. Most will use it sparingly in their mixes for some added benefits. But whether you decide to use it in your garden is a matter of preference.
Peat has a variety of benefits that can help boost your plants’ quality of life, allow you to feed less while holding onto more, among other factors, but it can cause problems if not handled properly.